Thursday, August 30, 2012

Modeling Power Swords: Part 1

In testing out various units that I had and finding what roles I wanted to come into play for my Angels Encarmine, I needed to make more power swords. Particularly for my Vanguard Veterans I wanted to add an extra bite to their Heroic Intervention.

Vanguard Veterans with Power Swords

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Testing Out Wet Blending

After years of difficulty in understanding wet blending, or feathering as the 'Eavy Metal team put it years ago in white dwarf, I found a tutorial by Ron Saikowski. His tutorial hit me like a brick; it suddenly made sense. I would have never thought of painting the base and while keeping it wet blending the two paints on the model right there. For some reason, I thought it was some weird way of line-highlighting, then while that was wet, feathering it down onto the dry object.

Wet blending on the white skirt of the Farseer's robes.

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Angels Encarmine Captain

I decided after a long period of time to finally start painting the few space marines I had. I bought the Blood Angels codex when it was released and along with it two boxes of death company. Not sure which chapter or successor chapter I was going to paint I decided not to paint the death company yet.

While on a mad dash to dig out my old 3rd edition Howling Banshees for a different project, I stumbled upon this old Space Marine captain.

Angels Encarmine Space Marine Captain 1

Welcome to Path of the Painter.

I chose this name for my painting blog as a nod toward my favorite Warhammer 40k army, the Eldar. I'm currently painting up my Craftworld Mymaera force and I'll be posting pictures up soon.

Aside from my Eldar, which have been a project for me since 2003/4, I've collected various other armies and am painting up some Angels Encarmine marines as well as an ork horde. I don't really play with either of these armies a whole lot and am trying to figure out how to thin my collection a bit; I'd like to drop down to one army for 40k and one for fantasy. Maybe I'll sell them once I've got more painted up.

Anyway, thank you for visiting and I hope you'll check back often.